This has always been a favorite of mine because it’s the same tune with three different names, three different Ferguson bands and three different featured soloists. The first was Geller’s Cellar from Maynard’s Dreamband in 1956 and featuring Herb Geller. Six years later it was recorded with different players and featuring Lanny Morgan. Finally in 1973, Maynard recorded it with yet another band and this time featuring Bruce Johnstone. All great bands and equally great players Note that the Arranger is incorrectly shown on the first clip as Herb Geller. It is actually Ernie Wilkins,
Si! Si! M.F.
Maynard Ferguson (tp,ldr)
Don Rader, Gene Coe, Nat Pavone (tp) John Gale, Kenny Rupp (tb) Lanny Morgan (as) Frank Hittner (bar) Willie Maiden, Don Menza (ts,sop,cl,fl) Michael Abene (p) Linc Milliman (b) Rufus Jones (d)
New York, early 1962
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